Mutual de United Laguna Woods

Cooperative living

United Laguna Woods Mutual is a non-profit cooperative housing corporation that owns and manages all real property within the original 21 cooperative mutuals. In a cooperative, residents are members of a corporation that owns all real property, including the dwelling units, carports and laundry facilities within the mutual’s boundaries, and each member is entitled to occupy a specific dwelling unit under the terms of an occupancy agreement.

As members of United Laguna Woods Mutual, each resident enters an occupancy agreement to pay a share of the property taxes, maintenance and other operating expenses. United is governed by board of directors elected by its members.

  • Cooperative: 6,323 memberships

The United board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Community Center board room. The board of directors is elected to serve staggered three-year terms annually in October.


Consulte el calendario de reuniones de la junta en línea para conocer las fechas y horarios específicos de las reuniones de la junta y del comité, y más detalles, incluidos avisos de reuniones canceladas o reprogramadas.

Architectural Controls and Standards Committee
Comité de Finanzas
Governing Documents Committee
Comité de Paisaje
Comité de Mantenimiento y Construcción
Members Hearing Committee
Resident Advisory Committee
