Club de voleibol avanzado

We have permanently moved the Laguna Woods Village Volleyball Club site to :


Eventos del club

20 / April / 2019

2019 Village Games Volleyball Results

Pictures Intermediate Gold – Kevin, Audrey, Jim, Ray, Ron, Mo Silver – Vitaly, Danny, Kat, Sam, Diana, Peter Bronze – Robert, Chris, Tana, Jan, Eric,…

06 / February / 2019

2019 Village Games

Advanced: Monday 4/15/2019 6PM Intermediate: Wednesday 4/17/2019 6:30PM Clubhouse 1 Gym  Must be a Laguna Woods Village resident to participate Qualifying Required Co-Ed teams to…

23 / December / 2017

2016 Volleyball Village Games Results

Intermediate Level – Wednesday April 13, 2016 at 5:50 PMAdvanced Level – Monday April 18, 2016 at 5:50 PM Intermediate Level Intermediate Level Tournament Photos…

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Noticias del club

22 / October / 2021

10/28/2021 Globe Article

Two veteran players returned last week after an extended absence. Both players were warmly greeted by volleyball club members that were excited to have them…

21 / January / 2020

2020 Volleyball Board

We have a new volleyball board! The 3 people who volunteered to be board members are Kevin Twombly Dan Florez Mark Greenman They will meet…

11 / March / 2019

High Intermediate Level

As of 7/17/2021  High-Intermediate Level has been discontinued. Levels of play will be Advanced or Intermediate/Open. After much consideration, the Volleyball Board has decided to add…

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Información de contacto del club

Laguna Woods Village Volleyball Board

Aviso sobre los clubes

Los clubes/organizaciones no son parte ni están afiliados a Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods (GRF). GRF no respalda, aprueba ni autoriza ninguna conducta o actividad en particular de ningún club/organización. Los clubes/organizaciones son los únicos responsables de sus propias declaraciones, acciones y/o falta de acción, así como de las de sus miembros e invitados. Los clubes/organizaciones son los únicos responsables del cumplimiento de todas las reglas aplicables de GRF y todas las leyes, estatutos, códigos, ordenanzas y regulaciones federales, estatales y locales aplicables. GRF, su agente administrativo, sus directores, funcionarios y empleados no aceptarán responsabilidad por el incumplimiento de un club/organización con cualquiera de los puntos anteriores. Consulte el documento de Política de la División de Recreación de GRF para obtener más información.